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Auto-Pool Analytics
Joe avatar
Written by Joe
Updated over 4 months ago


  • Accessing the Analytics Page

  • Understanding the Data Points

Accessing Auto-Pool Analytics

Every Auto-Pool has a dedicated Analytics tab, tracking all relevant data points including performance, activity and trends. This tab can be found in each Auto-Pool and is accessed in the same way you would deposit into an Auto-Pool.

Select a desired Auto-Pool and your initial tab selected will be 'Manage'. To access the Analytics tab, simply select the Analytics tab from the Auto-Pool page. The image below highlights this action.

The Analytics Tab

The Analytics tab is broken down into three sections:

  1. Data points

  2. Trends

  3. Activity

Data Points

Each data point in the image below will be defined in the following copy

Token X / Token Y 'Deployed in the Pool'

This highlights the amount of each token that is deployed into the Liquidity Pool, by the Auto-Pool. These are token balances that are being actively used to provide liquidity with.

Token X / Token Y 'Idle balance'

This highlights the amount of each token that is currently NOT in the Liquidity Pool. The Auto-Pool is holding this amount of tokens back, hence the idle balance tag. The Auto-Pool does this based on the algorithms instruction. This is part of the execution strategy that drives the underlying performance.

Token X / Token Y 'queued for withdrawal'

Withdrawing is queued and is actioned on the next rebalance, which is typically done every 60 minutes or less. The token balances highlighted here are waiting to be redeemed.

Auto-Pool vs 50/50 hold

This % number compares the time period performance of the Auto-Pool v simply holding both tokens. It enables a clear comparison to a popular strategy of holding the underlying tokens in the Auto-Pool. EG is it better over this time period if simply held AVAX + USDC. +% will indicate the Auto-Pool performed better and a -% indicated it performed worse.

Auto-Pool vs 100% Token X / Y

This % number compares the time period performance of the Auto-Pool v simply holding a specific token. EG is it better over this time period if simply held eg just AVAX or held just USDC. +% will indicate the Auto-Pool performed better and a -% indicated it performed worse.

Price Line Graph

The Price tracks the net change of an Auto-Pool Token (APT). It is the equivalent of tracking the net value of your assets. You can use the Price Analytics graph to understand the change in value of your tokens. Do this by tracking the APT Price on your entry and compare the Price to the present day.

Recent Activity

Every transaction in an Auto-Pool is tracked and monitored with the recent activity section sharing the exact changes in the Auto-Pool for each rebalance.

If you have any questions about Liquidity Shapes and how to deploy them please join the LFJ Discord for further assistance

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