What is JOE Staking?
JOE staking is a single-sided staking product that provides users with a non-dilutive real yield, paid in $USDC Stablecoins. All rewards distributed come from the collected fees accrued from trading activity on the platform.
Earn your share of Platform Trading Fees
For every swap on the DEX, a small fee is charged. This fee is distributed in part to Liquidity Providers, with a smaller percentage of that fee held back and distributed to JOE stakers. Swap fees typically range from 0.01% up to 0.8% of the total amount that is being trading. Typically, the higher the trading volume, the higher the fee capture.
Protocol Fees
The % of fees distributed to JOE stakers, will depend on the type of Liquidity pool that is capturing the trading fees. Each Liquidity pool will have a 'Protocol Fee' that can be viewed on the analytics page of the specific Liquidity Pool. The Protocol Fee is the % of fees accrued by the Liquidity Pool, that will be distributed to JOE stakers. This fee typically ranges from 0% to 25%. (See below image as an example).
π‘ The Protocol Fee is not fixed and can be changed
Example Swap and Fees Accrued:
Swap fee for $AVAX is charged at 0.2bp (0.2%)
User swaps $100 USDC into $AVAX and is charged a $0.20 trading fee
The Liquidity Pool that facilitated the swap has a 10% Protocol Fee attached
The $0.20 fee taken therefore has $0.02 distributed directly to JOE stakers with the remaining $0.18 fee distributed directly to Liquidity Providers.
How to Stake into JOE Staking
JOE Staking can be access on both Avalanche and Arbitrum. With any fees accrued across the chains, distributed
Go to the Stake Page
Select the JOE Staking Pool
Deposit your JOE Tokens
Confirm any Wallet Transactions
Congratulations, you are now Staking!
JOE Staking
Single sided staking with JOE tokens
Deposit and withdraw JOE at any time, with no lock ups or fees
There is no receipt token when depositing JOE into the staking pool
Rewards are distributed every few days, you can claim your rewards at any time
How much can I earn?
JOE staking rewards you with a share of all platform revenue generated depending on your share of the pool. Your share of the pool is determined by how many JOE tokens you have staked into JOE staking, relative to all other JOE Tokens.
JOE Stakers receive rewards proportional to their share of staked JOE.
Rewards are variable and based on trading fees accrued on the platform, more trading volume will result in more fees captured
π‘ Calculation: userRewardRate = userJoe / totalJoe * JoeRewardRate.
Topping Up
You can top up your existing staked amount of JOE to increase your share of rewards
When you top up your JOE tokens, you will automatically claim any pending rewards you may have. Claimed rewards automatically enter your Wallet.
JOE Staking Contracts
JOE Staking | Link |
JOE Staking Pool Avalanche | |
JOE Staking Pool Arbitrum |